Mount Tabor Models
Mount Tabor Chapel
Scarthin, Cromford
Matlock, Derbyshire
Phone & Fax 01629 822294
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Last updated: 1st July 2010
We are a specialist model railway shop dealing with the majority of continental manufacturers, from Z gauge to Garden railway
Authorised dealers for and suppliers of : Arnold, Bavaria, Brawa, Faller, Fleischmann, Gutzold, HAG, Hobbytrain, Jouef, Kibri, L.G.B.,
Lima, Lematec, Lemke, Lenz, Lilliput, Marks, Micro-Metakit, Marklin, Noch, Piko, Pola, Preiser, Roco, Tillig, Trix, Vollmer, & Viessmann
We have 8 years experience of digital control systems and regularly demonstrate these at shows countrywide.
Supplying digital control systems and decoders from Marklin, Trix, Lenz and Roco